Thursday, September 26, 2013

A "How To" on Drop Spins

Being a section leader means that you have to adapt and be able to break down moves that will be used throughout the entire season. It is my job to make sure that the second I say the name of a move everyone's head jumps to the exact same mental image of what this move should look like. Drop Spins is the very first move that you are taught when joining a color guard. Some people are better visual learners (like myself) and others need the instructions written down. Above I have attached a  video that will deliver the visual instruction for this move.

Drop Spins begin with holding the flag at right shoulder. Right shoulder (or Attention) is holding the butt of the flag with your left hand at your belly button, and the tape with your right hand. Your right hand and forearm should be parallel with the ground. If you feel like your arms are really far apart, you are more than likely at Right Shoulder. The length of your pole also determines how far apart your arms will be.

You begin drop spins by letting go with your left hand. Twist your right wrist to the left so that the butt of your flag is now facing directly up. As you do this bring the tape down to about belly button level. Grab just above your right hand with your left hand. Both thumbs during this move will always be pointing towards the silk. Your elbows will now be point outwards making two 90° angles. Using your left wrist now, twist to the right so that the tip and silk and back to the top like they were when we began the move. That is one full rotation of a Drop Spin. For every even number that you count (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.) the flag should be upright, every odd number means that the butt of the flag will be at the top. Doing these motions continuously and doing four full rotations completes drop spins.

Now its your turn! Go outside, grab a flag, broom, bow staff, pencil, almost anything works and give it a try. I have full confidence in you. Good luck! 

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