Monday, September 23, 2013

This one time...

Yes, at band camp.

The running joke of the world is that people during band camp shack up with each other and simply "run around the bases" for an entire week. Honestly, by the end of Tuesday you feel so gross and unattractive that even if you are in a committed relationship, you don't want anyone near you. You're also sore from running, stretching, lifting and throwing things five feet into the air. Band camp is hot, gross, and tiring. The weird sock and sunglasses tans however, are indeed true.


  1. About Me: In-depth description of why Brittany has chosen to write this blog. Provides the reader a little bit of background. I love the little wrap-up in this section.

    Blog Description: Concisely breaks-down exactly what the blog's purpose is, and provides a couple of examples of what readers should expect.

    First Post: Opens up with an interesting title, and then goes on to clear up misconceptions on band camp. I know that feeling of being too disgusting for life after practice, especially double sessions in soccer. Let's all agree that sock tans are the worst.

  2. About Me:
    The author smoothly introduces herself letting the audience know exactly why she’s making the blog. She provides enough information about herself, so that the reader can easily get a feel for what type of person she is.

    The purpose and focus is explicitly presented. The author lets the reader know that the focus is on Color Guard, and that the purpose is to clear up any of their misunderstandings. Only thing I can say is maybe include an example of what type of misunderstandings in the description as you did in ‘about me’ section, so the reader knows more of what the blog actually is about.

    First Post:
    The way the author tells the story makes the audience want to know more of the truth. It also presents the content it a perfect way. Good way to start off. I would want to go back to see what else is rumored around, and find out the actual truth.
