About Me

  I grew up in East Providence, Rhode Island. We're a small town with the biggest high schools in the state. My class alone had around five hundred students in it; overall we were closer to two thousand.
  I fell in love with music mostly because of my friends. They all picked up musical instruments in elementary school while I was still too afraid to. After being nagged at for years I finally found an outlet where I would be a part of something my friends loved. I joined the Color Guard my freshman year of high school. It was difficult but I kept pushing. I became the chorographer my senior year when our coach decided that she needed time to sort out some details in her life. She was more of a chaperone while I worked to come up with four routines to be performed at every football halftime. I graduated with four years of hard work, sweat, and bruises under my belt.
  I am now a junior at the University of Rhode Island, and the section leader to twenty five girls. I am a double Writing & Rhetoric/Theatre major. We would not be as far advanced as we are today without the joys of writing or rhetoric, and no, rhetoric is not just for the liars. I am a bit of a chameleon when it comes to theatre. I can do a little bit of everything but I am focusing on stage design. By writing all of this I hope to convince you that we are not the "rejected cheerleaders" or the "ugly girls" that society (and Family Guy) believes us to be.