Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Marching Band Loves to Practice in your Parking Spaces!

False. Incorrect. Not Even Close.
   Currently at URI our marching band practices in the commuter/faculty parking lot located at the top of campus, behind the Fine Arts Center (FAC for short). One of the biggest misnomers I have ever heard on campus is that we practice there by choice. This could not be farthest from the truth. First, Marching Band is a class. We are required to attend every football game and practice, we also get graded at the end of the semester. Second, the University does not want us practicing on the football field. We would be more then glad to open up that section of the lot during the day and close it off from four to six, but then we run the risk of cars being left in the middle of our "classroom". Lastly, our practice field in the parking lot is not even done correctly. Once you get to the right end of the field where the ten and fifteen are...the lines become crooked. They don't even become a little crooked, they literally become diagonal. Our Ten yard line is also blacked out with tar, and then redone in a different position. This becomes insanely frustrating when learning drill. So next time you curse us in your head for stealing your parking spaces to have class, try and be a little more understanding since we literally have no control.
Drill Chart
This is how we learn the formations for the halftime shows.

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